Monday 3 August 2009


A whole week since I last blogged. Not good enough Yan. Shall I bother with excuses? Naaah.

So August is here, the peak of the Summer, long sunny days with the garden in full bloom, when gardeners sit back and enjoy the results of their hard labour? Pah. Not in Argyll. This poor camapanula sums up the feeling of my poor drowned patch. Everything is looking grey and bruised from the torrential rain. The mallows, after leaning drunkenly against pieris for several weeks have succumbed entirely and are now flat on the ground. The pansies are flattened, the violas are flattened, the fuschias and pelargoniums are still not flowering and the tomatoes have come to a full stop and are thinking seriously about climbing back in their seed packets. There are some bright spots though; my courgettes have decided they are actually marrows and these stoical calendulas, keep their petals wide open, flaming merrily despite the watery missiles from the sky.

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