Tuesday 23 June 2009

So here I am, a gardening novice, with a challenge on my hands and a budget of zero. Ah yes, the small matter of a global economic down turn. Six weeks ago, after all the hassles of moving and buying a house at the peak of the market, I was given the choice of redundancy or part time work. Any job, even a part time one, is better than no job at all and that brings me, after a long meander through three other posts, to the reason for this blog. A part time job gives me the opportunity to work in the garden and to document what I do but no money to indulge in the plants I'd like. So there will be some advertising on this blog, not too intrusive I hope, and if any pennies are earned they will be used to bring new plants and pleasure to this gormless gardener.


  1. Judging from your postings, I can sense that you do have a passion for your garden. I am a DIY gardener too. At the begining, the land may seem barren and empty but through and with you tender loving care, your garden will progress and you shall reap the rewards of seeing the babies you have sown turn into beautiful flowers and delicious fruits. Good Luck and Happy Gardening!

  2. I completely understand your dilemma we recently bought a house and I want to landscape it too but the money is tight and so I am forced to buy "small" plants then raise them up before I can plant them in the ground progress has been slow for me. I also can relate to the work situation if I work full time which I am forced to any way then I can almost afford nicer plants but then I have no time to work in the yard..life is cruel at times. Any how Happy New Year!

  3. I love raising plants from seeds and cuttings. There are always spare plants hanging around for plant sales.There are often too many seeds in a packet too. If you want seeds I can pass them your way.
