Sunday 20 December 2009

The snow post

Late to the party but the white stuff has arrived, even on the West coast.

There's a lot of disgruntled birds.

My otter looks like a bedlington terrier.

There are seven blackbirds in the garden today, two juveniles have joined the throng. The cold seems to have made them more tolerant of each other. There are four of them in this shot. Normally, if they were that close to each other, they would be playing an endless game of ring-a-ring-a-roses around the bushes, with no bird ever static for more than a couple of seconds.

If possible Smudge is even more disgruntled than the birds. She spent the morning oscillating between the window

and the cat flap, convinced that at some point she would find summer outside one of them.
Eventually she gave up and commandeered my knee, giving me filthy looks whenever I pointed out I had things to do, clothes to wash and presents to wrap.


  1. ah poor smudge - cats sure don't like walking about in the snow! You've an otter! wonderful. Have you had anymore snow since the photos were taken?

  2. I hope the birds continue to get along. Your snowy garden is beautiful, especially with the birds.

  3. Those birds are tempting to the kitty but not enough to venture out into that snow ;-)
    Your otter is sitting blind there.
    What kind of a bird is that on the otter. We do not have that one and it is a pretty one?
    Happy Holidays to you and yours!

  4. Wonderful post! I love you birds and your kitty ... very funny projections of her thoughts! What a beauty! Happy Winter Solstice! Carol

  5. Happy holidays everyone!

    Hi Leaves, thanks for your comment. I wish it was a real otter, there's enough water in the garden to support an entire family but sadly, no, it's just mossy stone. We've had a little more snow overnight and early this morning, then a brief thaw and now it's freezing hard so a lethal ice rink everywhere.

    Hallo Noelle, thanks for stopping by. I think the birds are just concentrating on surviving at the moment, so have less time to squabble. They are going through three times what they normally eat. I'm thinking wistfully of your desert sun!

    Lona, lovely to see you. Kitty is fixated on mice but ignores birds. She knows she has a chance of catching the fat old mouse that lives under the bird table whereas the birds just laugh at her. That's a male chaffinch, there are hoards of them at the moment. I like them becasue they are very social, constantly cheeping to each other and interacting all the time.

  6. Aw Carol, just missed your reply while I was writing mine. Thanks for stopping and commenting. Yes Smudge is a beauty and she knows it, she has me wrapped round her snowy white paws. Yippee Winter solstice, thank goodness it's the shortest day. Hope you have a very merry holiday season.

  7. Hi Yan, loved your post. Beautiful photo's and you summed up the disgruntledness of the puss so well, ours are just as annoyed by the weather. Stilton keeps sticking his head out of the cat flap in disbelief. He's dived through it a few times and then dived right back again.

    I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas and New Years and that Smudge gets a mouse soon.

    Happy Winter Solstice,

    RO :o)

  8. Such gorgeous photos of nature,,fantastic..I love those birds..wonderful! Magical post!

  9. The birds are lovely - what a blessing that your garden attracts them! Poor Smudge. You think he may be dreaming about catching one of those birds? (Surely not!)I am glad I found your blog and look forward to reading more in the future.

  10. Hallo RO, I'm very glad Stilton is well enough to make his feelings known. Hope you all have a very happy Christmas with Stilton supervising!

    Kiki, thanks for visiting, your comments always make me smile. Hope you have a lovely Christmas.

    Hi Deb, I'm glad you found us too. Smudge may dream but she knows, and the birds know, that she hasn't a hope of catching them. She's doesn't like to be embarrassed so makes no attempt to chase them! Hope you and your garden cat have a lovely Christmas. Yan
