Monday 19 October 2009

The Mum from Mum

Mum and Dad visited at the weekend. Mum brought this beautiful Mum:

and a box of teasels. I'm going to plant these on the wildflower bank at the top of the garden. "Wildflower/Wildlife area" is the posh way I now refer to any untidy/unkempt parts of the garden.
Dad brought:
If I wasn't such a grateful daughter, I might suggest there was a small glut gloat going on. The artichokes were yum with roast duck and I have enough left to make soup today.


  1. Beautiful mums. So colorful and energetic.

  2. Jeruselem artichokes? They used to grow where we lived when I was a child, but we never ate them. We probably missed a treat.

  3. I love your mums..they are gorgeous! It is always nice to receive the gift of flowers!Wonderful post!

  4. Love the idea of a midge farmer! And mums (of all species) can be nice to have in the garden. Especially if gifts are involved.

  5. Lordy, roast duck? My favorite dish.... only prepared it once for a special holiday meal, and took a full day to prep and cook it from start to finish.

    It was divine, but would you believe, my husband was terribly ill that day and couldn't eat anything! A gourmet meal all by myself.
    (of course, there were plenty of leftovers the next day :~)

  6. Hi Muhammad, aren't they gorgeous? Such a boost of colour when every thing else is dying back.

    Hallo Nell Jean, yes Jerusalem artichokes! They are lovely plain boiled but also make a wonderful creamy soup that was always a favourite at Christmas for us. The only problem is, after you've eaten them, you either have to know people very well or make a quick getaway, as they can have quite a windy effect on the digestion.

    Kiki, thanks for stopping by and for the lovely comment. I love my Mum(s) too.

    Hi Helen, farming midges is just about the only thing I do successfully in this garden. The bonus is that the water where the midges breed also produces dragonflies, so I'm happy. Yes, Mums are great in the garden!

    Hallo Alice, lovely to see you here. I wish I could claim to have done something special with the duck but it was prepped by the supermarket. I just rubbed it with sea salt and bunged it in the oven. It came out crispy and tender and as far as I know no one was ill (Yan crosses fingers). It did taste divine and has been picked clean. I'm going to make stock with the bones and use that for the base of the artichoke soup. Yum.
